Misconduct Managed NewsSource™ is a bi-weekly compilation of the top news stories concerning sexual misconduct, abuse, and molestation of at-risk groups in the United States.

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Former Band Director Sentenced to 20 Years in Child Sexual Exploitation Case
A former high school band director in Georgia was sentenced to 20 years, with the first 4 in prison, after pleading guilty to sexual assault of a child and sexual exploitation of children.
6th Woman in 3 Months Alleges Sexual Assault Against the New Jersey Transit System
The newest lawsuit accuses the agency of failing to protect an employee from a supervisor who she says sexually harassed, assaulted and stalked her on the job. 5 of the 6 women who have filed suit all allege it was the same supervisor.
Suit Filed Against Arizona Behavioral Health Hospital for Sexual Assault
A 42-year-old man that was admitted to Haven Behavioral Hospital after being released from jail snuck into the room of a 79-year-old patient with dementia and sexually assaulted her.
Sexual Assault Case Involving Sheriff’s Deputies Settles for Nearly $1 Million
A Sheriff’s Deputy in West Virginia has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault, including forcing himself on them, threatening them, sending illicit material, and pointing a gun to them.
Why It’s Important for Law Enforcement to Understand How, and Why, Rape Affects the Memory
Scientists who study trauma and memory say it’s common for sexual assault survivors to be unable to fully recall an attack; They might remember certain facts but not others, or struggle to recall events in the correct sequence.
Lawsuit Against Popular Website “OnlyFans” Alleges Sexual Exploitation
A 21-year-old OnlyFans model is suing 2 agencies, alleging “sexual exploitation of young women through time-tested methods of coercion, control, humiliation, and abuse” through the OnlyFans website.
Former MLB Shortstop Accused of Sexually Assaulting Minor League Batboy
A lawsuit against former Indian’s shortstop, Omar Vizquel, alleges supervisors and fellow coaches laughed at the victim’s reported sexual misconduct and then discharged him from his employment.
Former Olympic Runner Pleads Not Guilty to New Charges of Child Molestation
Conrad Mainwaring, a 69-year-old former Olympic runner, has plead not guilty to multiple counts of indecent assault and battery on children.
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