Misconduct Managed NewsSource™ is a bi-weekly compilation of the top news stories concerning sexual misconduct, abuse, and molestation of at-risk groups in the United States.

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Emergency Room Doctor Charged with Rape and Other Offenses of Patients
Josiah Hill, the 39-year-old Maryland Emergency Room doctor has been charged with 1 count of 2nd degree rape of a vulnerable victim and 3 counts of indecent liberties taken by a healthcare professional.
R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Sex Crimes
R & B star R. Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years after being found guilty of sex trafficking and racketeering; all while still facing child pornography and obstruction of justice charges in Chicago this year.
Uber Sued by Over 550 Women for Sexual Assaults by Drivers
Over 550 women passengers across the U.S. have filed suit against Uber, seeking damages and a jury trial, after alleging they were kidnapped, sexually assaulted, sexually battered, raped, falsely imprisoned, stalked, harassed, and/or otherwise attacked by drivers.
Alaska’s Former Acting Attorney General Has Been Charged with 3 Counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor
Clyde Sniffen, Alaska’s former acting attorney general, has been charged with 3 counts of sexual abuse of a minor for having sex with a 17-year-old girl he coached on a high school mock trial team in May 1991.
Nebraska Middle School Staff Member Arrested for Sexual Assault of a Child
A 24-year-old former staff member at Bryan Middle School in Nebraska was arrested for 3rd degree sexual assault of a child 14-years-old or younger.
Teen Sexual Abuse in Junior R.O.T.C. Programs
Former Junior R.O.T.C. students say military veterans who led J.R.O.T.C. classes in U.S. high schools fashioned themselves as mentors, then used their power to manipulate and sexually abuse them.
Vermont Sheriff Charged with Sexual and Domestic Assault
After alleging he used his position to pursue woman, a 50-year-old sheriff Deputy was charged with sexual assault, unlawful restraint, and domestic assault against a woman he was dating.
Wisconsin Bus Driver Charged with the Sexual Assault of Children as Young as 7-Years-Old
A 39-year-old Walworth County bus driver has been charged with 4 counts of 1st degree child sexual assault and 2 counts of exposing a child to harmful material, with court filings alleging he inappropriately touched multiple elementary school girls that rode his bus, some as young as 7-years-old.
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