Misconduct Managed NewsSource™ is a bi-weekly compilation of the top news stories concerning sexual misconduct, abuse, and molestation of at-risk groups in the United States.

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Federal Bureau Releases New Data on Reported Sexual Assault and Harassment in Juvenile Detention Facilities
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, of 1,762 confirmed incidents of youth being sexually harassed, abused or assaulted in juvenile facilities from 2013 through 2018, roughly 28.3% involved adult staff victimizing youth and 71.6% involved youth victimizing youth.
Following a Massive Church Scandal, Maryland Ends Time Limit on Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits
Maryland Governor Wes Moore recently signed legislation to end Maryland’s statute of limitations for when civil suits for child sexual abuse can be filed against institutions.
Colorado County Launches Student-Led Sexual Assault Task Force
Douglas County launches a student-led sexual assault task force from three campuses: KU, Baker and Haskell, who will come together to improve education and prevention efforts.
Doctor Charged with Sexually Abusing 2 Patients While They Were Minors
According to the indictment, Dr. Darius Paduch, a urologist at two prominent New York hospitals, told his victims the abuse was part of medical care.
New Utah Laws Require Parental Consent for Minors to Open and Maintain Social Media Accounts
As of March 1, 2024: 1. Social media companies will be required to verify the adult age of Utah residents seeking to open or maintain social media accounts; 2. Those under the age of 18 will need the consent of a parent or guardian; and 3. Companies will be required to allow parents full access to their child's account, create curfew settings that blocks access overnight, prohibit direct messages from anyone the child hasn't followed or friended, and block underage accounts from search results.
Multiple Employees Arrested for the Sexual Assault, Failing to Report, and Subsequent Cover-Up at Georgia Youth Shelter
Rainbow House, Inc., in Jonesboro, Georgia is a nonprofit shelter and child advocacy center that works with the Division of Family and Children Services to offer a home to teenagers who were removed from their homes through the courts.
Pope Expands 2019 Sex Abuse Law and Reaffirms that Adults Can Be Victims
Pope Francis updated a 2019 church law aimed at holding senior churchmen accountable for covering up sexual abuse cases, expanding it to cover lay Catholic leaders and reaffirming that vulnerable adults and not just children can be victims of abuse when they are unable to freely consent.
Events and Education for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
The Center for Health Education and Wellness, in partnership with the Office of Title IX, is hosting a variety of events during Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April to raise awareness, increase knowledge, and provide multiple opportunities for campus community members to engage in dialogue throughout the month.
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